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  • Writer's picturekatherine scheld

Dreaming, Painting

Winter's end usually signifies an opening up, a coming out of hibernation. But for me, with all that's been going on in the world and in my mind, I feel that I'm still turning inward. Dreaming, painting. I've been making a lot of progress these last few years with my consistency in creating art and also in my growing satisfaction with what I am making.

A work in progress on 3 panels, making this one just for me to indulge my folk art and folktale love. I will update as I go!

I have a long way to go. I'm still figuring out the kind of artist I want to be and giving myself permission to make many mistakes. Sometimes the same ones, over and over before I get it right.

One of my goals is to build a daily art practice. I've seen some other artists (most recently Louise Stigell) blogging about their daily art-making adventures. Louise is giving oil painting a try, which I am very excited about because oil paint has been my greatest loved medium since I was probably about 13! The versatility, the slow drying time, the richness and always reminds me that there is more than one way to make a painting and I will forever be learning this medium.

So back to the point. I am going to take a tip from Louise Stigell and blog my daily practice. I will try a weekly digest of my progress, share some pictures and thoughts. I think it's a great idea, and it being on my own website feels like an antidote to the over-saturated scrolling of social media. It feels like coming back home, really.

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