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  • Writer's picturekatherine scheld

A Bouquet of Newly Sharpened Pencils

I've fallen behind, haven't I? I'll be honest, the art is being made, I'm just not really sharing it. And it's been wonderful. Sharing is wonderful. But not sharing can be pure magic.

I read a quote the other day that said something like, "One of the most revolutionary acts you can do in the 21st century is to do something extravagant and then tell no one." We collectively as people have lost that joy of doing something just for the love of it. Not to try to impress, feel connected or convince others that we are living as the best versions of ourselves.

I made two paintings in the last 2 days that I really enjoyed. They were sketches in oil. And I am happy to have made something, to have practiced, to have been creative with color and interpretation of form. It felt freeing to not make "content". There's something warm and fuzzy about it, a nostalgia like an old movie you keep revisiting.

Of course, I'm not saying I never want to share. I mean, I'm writing this blog post to share that thought itself. I wanted to use this blog as a way to document my artistic journey. So while I am continuously figuring out how to interact with creativity and the world wide web (as well as the world wide world), here is a belated share of an acrylic painting I finished last month.

The Adventure of The Three Paneled Fairtyale Illustration Painting:

So tremendously proud of this, it feels entirely me and entirely something new for me. I hope you enjoyed, til next share!

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